
Hi! I'm Flutter, and welcome to my site :)

I made this site to showcase my hobbies and things I find interesting, such as about history, psychology, art and music. I also love cute, nostalgic graphics and would love to archive them, as well as links that I believe more people should take a look at.

About me  

I'm an 18 year old struggling with boredom and existentialism. I wanted to challenge myself with creating something in order to remind myself of all the things I love. It's difficult but I truly want to commit to something.

Eventually, I'd like to blog about serious/abstract topics. However, this would preferably be on another platform as I want this site to remain casual.

Site log  

15/03/2024 ~ first design of site complete, and created the shrines page. Currently has no content.

21/03/2024 ~ I haven't really made any updates due to a lack of inspiration, but today I created the links page as there are some links I would like to archive both for the sake of myself and others.

23/03/2023 ~ published my first shrine.